

I did not notice when, but now I know exaclty why we have gotten our current moral values. We go to places we do not really like, we buy gadgets and clothes that are not really comfortable for us to impress people who just don't care. People with botoxed faces and filled bottoms leave the impression of being so careless and look and behave so contentless that the younger generation does not have role models to follow. 
When I said I know why, I meant it. People do not know how to take care of themselves. They are not taught it. They have always been well groomed, but not a single trauma was ever worked on and soothed. Our parents, mines for sure, failed to teach us self-care. As a result, we have a generation of people with Saturn in Capricorn (coudn't help) who know how to earn money, but don't know where to direct it. We have middle aged single mothers who are proud but unhappy, we have handsome young men looking for satisfaction but ending up feeling useless and used. We have people scared of commitment and care. People avoid care. They dread care. Because when we care we get attached. Attachment is perceived as addiction and weakness nowadays. Social media advertises bitchiness. It is trendy to be a bitch. It is not trendy to be human. It is not cool to be empathic and loving, attentive and vulnerable.
For the sake of self defense and in response to childhood traumas some women have opted for the mask of a bitch, who seems invincible and strong, but who needs a proper hug from a real men to melt into a jelly. Our selfless granmothers are giving in to our bitchy granddaughers. I don't want my granddaughter to be a bitch. I want her to be open to love, able to give and take care. I want her to look at bitches and see how exactly she should not be. I wholeheartedly believe she will be rick in soul enough to let herself be vulnerable and truly authentic. 

I did not go into defining the word bitch here because it's clear I do not mean the female dog ;-)