
My World

My world. You have started to call me Your World. I don't know what meaning you put into those words, but you have made my world a whole different place to live in just twenty days since you appeared in my live and stormed it with your beautiful presence. You have been so perfect from the very beginning that it took me a while to calm my deamons and inner worms that did not believe it was rea, you were real. Now I let go. Because how can you not be real. How can we not be real. We are the realest thing ever. Even my geminic indecisive self is sure about what thing on this Earth- US. It makes me happy how sure you are about ourselves, and our future together. I love being childish with you. I lvoe being horny with you. I lvoe being with you. I lvoe smelling like you, tasting like you. It's unimaginable how similar we are. And I love that it is you who speaks about this all the time. When I asked you what you found in me, you quickly responded " Myself". My World, you mean the world to me. Please continue kissing my eyes, inhalin my hair and feeding me from your mouth. Please, come home to my loving arms, and let me have those children of yours who you will be thep erfect father for. Let me be the vulnerable princess, dominant bitch and caring tenderness all at once. Let me always crave your touch and eyes. Shower me with your kisses and take those long showers with me. Hold my knee in the movies and grasp my lips under the red light forever. Look at me with those wanting eyes of yours and continue giving me the princess treatment, as if I am a fragile vase you are afraid to crack. I even love how you stop yourself from being horny with me, becasue you just see me differently, and I know it. I know you worship me just a little bit, and that's the sexiest thing about you. How you want me with every cell of your body and still cherish with every inch of your soul. I love our long night talks when you voice is so low and tender. I love how you remember what I say, every small little thing, and take an ultra all inclusive care of me. And yes, I avtually like that you insist on a church ceremony and dream about me announcing I will be obedient to you. There is nothing I want more in this life than to be lovingly obedient to you, My World, because I know our desires are so synchronized that you will always do all the right things, as if your heart is in me, and mine-in you. You are my world. I have never seen, felt and noticed the world the way i do know. I look at the world through You.

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