They are interconnected, that is true. But which one is the boss? Do we act in a specific way because our principles guide us, or do our principles form based on the situation and previous life experience?
As we got acquainted, my acquaintance mentioned in a conversation she does not like using people. Already knowing her zodiac sign, I could not help but grin in a very wicked manner. Sure, I was right. Every single thing she has done since that day has proved her maneuvering people like puppets, making them serve her, meet her demands, even if that led to the inconvenience of the formers. It is not delegating tasks through people, it is using people. The worst type of symbiotic relations ever. I gave myself a chance to try it- making people do something at my convenience. Even in the cases when people expressed strong eagerness to serve, my inner self could not afford the luxury. I am not that type. Is that good? Not sure.
My friend things people should keep contacts with those who they might need in the short, medium or long run... Hmm...How do they realize who might be needed in the future and who not? I am again illiterate and inexperienced, but I pamper myself to try. What's the outcome? I keep in touch with everybody, but this is not coming from me. They need me. The have various requests for me- from translating to shopping for them. And I eagerly do and end up being the one people want to keep in touch because I might help them. Do I learn any lesson from this? Never.
When it comes to me, I cannot practice these. I want to, I realize the ease they bring, but I cannot. It is not because my principles are rebellious. It is because my actions form my principles nourished by the past experience.
My priority is my inner comfort, to know I was not a burden. This is my principle.
Is this good? Not sure.

My friend things people should keep contacts with those who they might need in the short, medium or long run... Hmm...How do they realize who might be needed in the future and who not? I am again illiterate and inexperienced, but I pamper myself to try. What's the outcome? I keep in touch with everybody, but this is not coming from me. They need me. The have various requests for me- from translating to shopping for them. And I eagerly do and end up being the one people want to keep in touch because I might help them. Do I learn any lesson from this? Never.
When it comes to me, I cannot practice these. I want to, I realize the ease they bring, but I cannot. It is not because my principles are rebellious. It is because my actions form my principles nourished by the past experience.
My priority is my inner comfort, to know I was not a burden. This is my principle.
Is this good? Not sure.