
About having faith

Faith is the answer to every question. Faith in yourself, faith in relationship, faith in humanity, faith in your rightness, faith in your morality, faith in God.
Everything is not just easy, but right, when you have faith. When you have the faith that you are where you need to be, and everything goes the way it should be.
But above all, it is important to think well before acting, as it is not that difficult to project the next five developments and make a choice on how to act now. When you have faith what you do is right, nothing can make you tense or embarrassed.
When you have faith in people, that they treat you well, or will do, it is easier to love, and trust.
When you have faith in life, in the balance, in the harmony, in God, in other words, you stop blaming everyone and everything, take responsibility and build your life.
And people who have faith in you come and surround you, because your Faith told you you have earned it.
I have faith in you, in me, in us.
Just because I have the faith we have earned it.