Sometimes you want to do something, you try hard, but it just fails. And the universe does not support you, though you wanted with all your heart. Credits to Coelho.
And then it just happened. Though you did not crave for it. You were simply ripe enough, you were merely ready.
It is an inner harmony we strive for, and then it comes, sits on our eyes and hopefully stays.
Sometimes you head off somewhere, and all the traffic lights are red, and the streets are jammed, and the air is stiff. And on other occasions you find parking on Abovyan at 3.00 P.M. on a weekday. Just because Life wants you to do what you are doing- and everything is easy breezy, every obstacle just evaporates.
And some people are just obstacles, they seem our destination, but they ain't even transportation to get where we are meant to end up. And there are fuel-people, who appreciate, who push us to be better, who give us the air in the bones. And it is so right with them, just right is how you feel.
The right comes with perfect timing. Life knows better. It talks wiser. It prompts softer. We need to listen when Life talks.